Code & Tools

Articles about the code, tools, and tech that we've used on projects or find interesting.

GPT-3: Can a Language Model Change the World? - Video Presentation by Daniel López Members Public

GPT-3 is a language model that creates text when given a human-generated prompt. It can write poetry, code, blog posts, and more. It can be hard to tell it apart from what a human might write (see the bold section below), but can this AI replace humans? Its own answer to that is a bit ambivalent.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Brown Bag Video

High-Fidelity Prototyping: How to Verify Ideas without Writing a Single Line of Code Members Public

Discover the power of High-Fidelity Prototyping and how it allows you to verify your ideas without writing any code.

Robin Palička - UX designer & UI developer at Salsita
Code & Tools

Strapi: The Customizable Open-Source Headless CMS - Video Presentation by Radek Zábranský Members Public

As Headless CMS gains popularity, having an extensive API and a way to manage your front-end application content without writing any code becomes vital. What if there was a way to do both these things without having to spend hours at your keyboard. Enter Strapi.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Brown Bag Video

Become a Rockstar Developer in 30 Minutes - Video Presentation by Dani López Members Public

Rockstar is an esoteric programming language where the source code looks like lyrics for a rock song. Rockstar is heavily influenced by the lyrical conventions of 1980s hard rock and power ballads.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Brown Bag Video

How to Deliver Software That is Proven Not to Fail - Video Presentation by Roman Vaivod Members Public

Nailing down the UX before coding is something we preach at Salsita. It saves time, reduces costs, and lessens stress for anyone involved in the project. When it does come time for writing the actual code, we already have a strong idea of what the end result should look like.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Brown Bag Video

SAM Pattern - Redux on Steroids? - Video Presentation by Roman Vaivod Members Public

When the complexity of a project grows, it's always a challenge to keep code maintainable, scalable, and robust. This applies to front-end code as well. Many frameworks and patterns exist nowadays that try to tackle this challenge.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
JavaScript Engineering

Pitfalls of Building a Monorepo for React Native and React Web Apps Members Public

The focus of this article and video is on the pain points you may encounter while combining React Native (RN) and web-based Create React App (CRA) with TypeScript in a single monorepo.

Martin Gajdičiar - Full-Stack Developer
JavaScript Engineering

Why Do Service Workers Break the Refresh Button? - Video Presentation by Lukáš Kopenec Members Public

Have you ever been inspired by an article that you immediately make a presentation about it to share with your colleagues?

Lancelot Purdue - Copywriter
Code & Tools

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