JavaScript Engineering

Articles about React.js, React Native, Vue and others: how and where we use them, their possibilities, and how they works for our clients.

Cybersecurity basics: A Humble Guide to Application Security Members Public

Explore key insights into application security, covering secure coding, top security risks, vulnerability testing, and the integration of AI. Learn proactive strategies for safeguarding digital creations against evolving cyber threats.

Markéta Sauerová - Full Stack Developer
Brown Bag Video

Bun: A New Contender in JavaScript Tooling Members Public

Explore Bun, a game-changing JavaScript runtime optimizing development while maintaining compatibility. Discover its performance edge, versatile toolkit, and considerations for production use. Is Bun the future of JavaScript tooling? Watch to find out!

Přemysl Ciompa - Full Stack Developer
Brown Bag Video

Beginner's Guide to Bookmarklets: Elevate Your Browsing and Coding Experience with Tips and Tricks Members Public

In this brown bag presentation, Petr delves into the world of Bookmarklets, offering insights into their powerful capabilities. Learn how to harness the potential of these browser tools to streamline your web experience and save valuable time.

Petr Vacek - Full Stack Developer
Brown Bag Video

AI Tools at Salsita Members Public

This article provides insights into Salsita's utilization and future plans for AI tools. Learn how we harness these tools in our operations, the reasons driving their adoption, and our strategies for addressing associated concerns.

Jiří Staniševský - Chief Technical Officer
Code & Tools

Top 12 React Native Apps Members Public

With more and more businesses looking into React Native as their first choice when developing new products, marketers need to know where they stand today if they want to stay competitive tomorrow.

Razi Alakhdar - Marketing Manager
Code & Tools

React vs Vue: Which One is a Better Fit for Your Project? Members Public

Whether you are a technical leader deciding on the stack for your next application or a developer scoping out modern web development, this article aims to provide some answers for both high-level decision makers and the low-level technical drudge.

Filip Naumovič - UI Developer
Code & Tools

Why You Should Migrate from Cordova to React Native Members Public

Cordova and React Native are two of the most popular frameworks for hybrid app development. However, many developers are turning to React Native to build their applications. In this article, we’ll break down some of the pros and cons of each and explain why React Native is often the better choice.

Razi Alakhdar - Marketing Manager
JavaScript Engineering

What is React Native? (And Why Is It Trending?) Members Public

According to GlobalStats, 54% of internet users worldwide connect to the web using a mobile phone. This means that the pressure to build better mobile-based digital experiences is on for both developers and decision-makers.

Matthew Gertner - Founder & CEO
JavaScript Engineering

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