JavaScript Engineering

Articles about React.js, React Native, Vue and others: how and where we use them, their possibilities, and how they works for our clients.

Strapi: The Customizable Open-Source Headless CMS - Video Presentation by Radek Zábranský Members Public

As Headless CMS gains popularity, having an extensive API and a way to manage your front-end application content without writing any code becomes vital. What if there was a way to do both these things without having to spend hours at your keyboard. Enter Strapi.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Brown Bag Video

How to Build a Product Configurator in 40 Minutes - Video Presentation by Jiří Staniševský Members Public

3D configurators are a great way for customers to personalize a product to their specifications and interact with it online in real time. As they gain popularity, supercharging DTC (direct-to-consumer) e-commerce through immersive visualization, more companies are looking to build their own.

Jiří Staniševský - Chief Technical Officer
Brown Bag Video

Breaking Bad (Code) Members Public

Choosing a career path can be daunting. What if you get stuck doing something you hate? Or what if you’ve had so many jobs that you never master one skill set. Wouldn’t it just be easier if the profession chose you instead? For Salsita QA Engineer Katarina Achbergerova, this seems to be the case.

Lancelot Purdue - Copywriter
JavaScript Engineering

Salsita's Hottest React Hooks Library: @spicy-hooks - Video Presentation by Jiří Staniševský Members Public

React Hooks offer a wide variety of benefits such as a flatter virtual DOM tree and perfect TypeScript support, to name a couple. They have also simplified extraction to a matter of just cutting code and pasting it into a plain function, but that ease of use has come at a cost.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Brown Bag Video

Managing React State with RxJS - Video Presentation by Jiří Staniševský Members Public

Redux has been the most popular state management tool in React for many years, however there are those who find it cumbersome, verbose, and strict. These critics have tried to come up with an alternative, but they haven’t gotten enough traction to overthrow the ruling king yet.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Brown Bag Video

Is Svelte Just Another Framework? - Video Presentation by Pavel Moravec Members Public

No matter what kind of app you're working on, repetition is a wall that you're bound to run into. Svelte, a free and open-source JavaScript framework written by Rich Harris, addresses this problem nicely.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
JavaScript Engineering

SAM Pattern - Redux on Steroids? - Video Presentation by Roman Vaivod Members Public

When the complexity of a project grows, it's always a challenge to keep code maintainable, scalable, and robust. This applies to front-end code as well. Many frameworks and patterns exist nowadays that try to tackle this challenge.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
JavaScript Engineering

Dev Thoughts: Jiří Staniševský on React Hooks Members Public

Since their introduction, React Hooks have been enabling developers to write React applications with only functional components. But is that enough to drive general adoption? I spoke with Full-Stack Developer Jiří Staniševský, who answers that question and more.

Lancelot Purdue - Copywriter
JavaScript Engineering

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