Project Management

Articles on how we utilize our PMs, project management best practices, and how it relates to client communication.

School Yard Rules: How We Build Teams at Salsita Members Public

At Salsita, we talk about building your “Dream Team” of engineers and software experts. Most software houses promise something similar, so I figured I’d expound on exactly what it means and what a client can expect when working with Salsita.

Griffin W. Trent - Product Manager
JavaScript Engineering

GitHub: A Viable Alternative to JIRA and How to Save $1200 a Month - Video Presentation by Jan Mikula Members Public

Two of the most used tools at any software company are JIRA and GitHub. Whether your company uses one or the other—or both—it is beneficial knowing exactly what each one offers. For Salsita’s Director of Product, Jan Mikula, the choice is clear.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Project Management

The Horse and the Cart Members Public

I’m an idea person. Ideas are constantly falling out of my head and jumping off of my tongue. Just listen to me and I’ll tell you about the next Uber... it’s not as complicated as you think!

Griffin W. Trent - Product Manager
Project Management

UX Workshops: The Critical First Step to App Project Success Members Public

Historically, Salsita has been an engineering-focused company. We hire only top engineers that can develop anything. Over the last three years, however, we’ve been heavily investing in and expanding our UX/UI team.

Jan Mikula - Director of Product
Project Management

The End (of the Sprint) is Near! Members Public

Do you remember when you were in school and the professor gave you a large project and a generous amount of time to complete it? Let’s say three months. Now, do you know when most people are likely to start tackling the project?

Griffin W. Trent - Product Manager
Project Management

Four Steps to Effectively Choose Your Ideal Software Agency Members Public

This is a handy guide for choosing your ideal software agency. With a little preparation and effort, you’ll be able to find the perfect partner.

Razi Alakhdar - Marketing Manager
Project Management

#Yestimates: The Hidden Benefits of Software Estimation Members Public

Since the dawn of software development, programmers have been subjected to ubiquitous requests for software estimates. No one wants to engage in a quixotic mission, especially if they are going to be held to account when their estimates inevitably turn out to be wrong.

Matthew Gertner - Founder & CEO
Project Management

When Developers Disagree Members Public

What to do when the developers in your team just can't seem to get along? Salsita CEO gives practical tips from his 25 years of experience managing professional software development teams.

Matthew Gertner - Founder & CEO
Project Management

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